Monday, October 13, 2008

Fall Getaway

So this past weekend I went to a retreat put on by Cru. It was called Fall Getaway and it was great to getaway. A group of students from K-State and Fort Hays went to Salina and spent the weekend praising God and getting connected with Him and each other. It was really amazing. I met so many new people and got to know others more. It was also amazing to get closer to God. I am a Christian and strive to live my life in His image. I know it is tough and I make mistakes but I know God has forgiven me of my sins.

The main thing I learned from this retreat was that the future is a scary thing to think about but with the grace of God and His never-ending power, the future is nothing to be worried about. Lately, I have been feeling scared about graduating in May and not having a clue what to do with the rest of my life. I know in my heart I will be a teacher but where??? I have no idea. At the conference/retreat, God laid it on my heart to serve overseas, in Africa especially. It became really clear when I watched a clip from Invisible Children in Social Studies last Thursday and then watching an orphanage movie at the retreat. The video at the retreat really made an impact on me and really got my heart thinking. Anyway, in a part of the video, this little girl, about 5th grade, said "We were rescued so that we may rescue others." God adopted us and chose us to spread His word. How cool is that????

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